Thursday, September 5, 2013

10 Things every Msafiri (Tourist) is curious about- Kenya

As-salam Alaikum everyone this day. It's a bright sunny day in Kenya fully bustled with activity as the weekend approaches. Can't help imagine how marvelous this day would be if I were on a wildlife safari deep in the Savannah bushlands among nature, enjoying the revitalizing gushes of fresh air as the flora and fauna. Anyway, duty calls so I save that for another day.

That aside, every traveler or tourist definitely has questions about a destination that they are stranger to. These questions arise from curiosity and could be about culture and norms, climate, means of communication, facilities available, etcetera. It's therefore important that one makes a point to know to allow for convenience, to be aware and in circumstances to avoid embarrassment. Here are 10 most frequently asked questions about Kenya answered :

What is the climate and weather  Kenya like?
Kenya enjoys a tropical climate.
It has two wet seasons and two
dry seasons. The rainy seasons are
from March to May and from
November to January.
Although Kenya straddles the
equator, the climate varies greatly.
Location is everything.  It
is hot and humid at the coast,
temperate inland and very dry in
the north and northeast parts of
the country.
There is plenty of sunshine all the
year round and summer clothes
are worn throughout the year. The temperatures at the coast average at 27- 32°C while those inland vary from 21°C to about 26°C.
However, it is usually cool at night
and early in the morning.
The long rains occur from April to
June and short rains from October
to December. The rainfall is
sometimes heavy and when it does
come it often falls in the
afternoons and evenings. The
hottest period is from February to
March and coldest in July to

What is the time zone in Kenya?
Kenya time zone is at GMT +3, that is it is three hours ahead of the Greenwich Meridian Time.
Due to location at the equator, it has equal daylight and darkness hours all through the year.

When is the best time to visit
The tourism season for Kenya is generally during the long dry season between May and September. This is the best time to catch the wildebeest migration.
However, one can visit in other months and enjoy reduced prices and beat crowds although some establishments completely close businesses off season.

What should I bring to wear?
Clothing will mostly depend on weather. It is important to observe decency in dressing so as not to offend local residents. For women, skirts, shorts and dresses should not be above mid-thigh or too tight.
For men, any decent pants or shorts are good to go.

Will I be able to get around if I
don't speak any Swahili?
Most Kenyans speak three languages; their mother language, Swahili and English, so communication is possible even if you don't speak Swahili.

Do I need any vaccinations?
Kenya is in the tropical climate region so it largely depends on what region you are from. Most vaccinations given are those of malaria, yellow fever, cholera and tuberculosis. However, your doctor will advice you accordingly.

Are cash, travelers checks or credit cards best in Kenya?
Cash is definitely the best. Most transactions are paid in cash although credit cards can be used in establishments in the cities - Nairobi, Mombasa &Kisumu as well as major towns such as Eldoret.
It's advisable to cash your travelers check to a few thousand shillings before traveling to Kenya for convenience.

Is Kenya inexpensive?
Kenya is generally inexpensive. The key is to bargain prices as many local businesses are flexible with prices especially open air markets. You need a sweet tongue.

What about tipping?
Tipping is not mandatory in Kenya. It's mostly a matter of choice, although in high-end establishments it could considered a bit rude and unappreciative especially where there is good service. Tips could be up to 5% of expenditure otherwise anything above that is extravagant.

When are the holidays?
Most businesses are closed during public holidays in Kenya. Below are holidays in Kenya :

New Year's Day - January 1
Eid-al-Fitr - Varies Yearly
Easter - Varies Yearly
Labour Day - May 5
Madaraka Day - June 1
Mashujaa Day - October 20
Ramadhan - Varies yearly
Jamhuri Day - December 12
Christmas day - December 25
Boxing day - December 26

Muslim holidays vary from year to year depending on local sightings of the moon.

What else are you curious about?

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